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DSI Intensifier Valve (TM)

Valve technology that provides reliable and safe oil & gas field exploration

The basic design of the DSI INTENSIFIER VALVE™ is compact and has dimensions of approximately 41 inches in width x 76 inches in height with a weight of approximately 6 tons.  For a given well pressure, the valve will remain approximately the same dimensions regardless of deeper deployment.  The valve can be quickly and easily installed whether as original equipment, retrofitted or at the time of a deep water disaster.  By merely scaling the valve, it has the capability of closing and reopening a well in shallower depths to over 30,000 feet of water.  For emergency closing protocols, the valve can be deployed with the use of a drill string or with attached weights in accordance with well operating procedures.


This one valve can be

  • Available at the exploration site during exploration, to be lowered should an event occur, to close a leak source outlet and then providing an operator the ability to reopen the well

  • Available at the production site should an event occur, to close a leak source outlet and reopen the well

  • Positioned on the production well providing ease in the control of opening, closing and re-opening the well and at the same time providing security to the well should any disaster event occur.

  • Positioned at the well head at the time of temporarily or permanently capping the well and providing the operator the ability to cement the well through the valve


The simplicity of the patented valve's construction and having one moving part within the device, which is not linked to other parts, provides a design of maximum reliability of performance when the valve needs to be closed or opened at any depth.  Moreover, the valve provides the operator the opportunity to selectively use ambient water pressure, line hydraulic pressure or accumulator hydraulic pressure to operate the value.


Benefits include

  • Reducing the cost of original well construction and operation

  • Easily installed of retrofitted to an operating well

  • Avoid having to drill any kill or replacement well

  • Removing uncontrolled risk from environmental disasters

  • Reduction of insurance premiums and/or spill containment programs

  • Provide the opportunity to be self-insured


This technology has been reviewed by PhD (with deep water drilling experience) and Professional Engineers.  They have concluded this valve is the solution for closing and reopening an oil or gas well positioned in shallow or deep water environments under controlled and disaster conditions.


The DSI INTENSIFIER VALVE™ technology has been patented in the US and in foreign countries and is pending in additional jurisdictions worldwide.


BrochureOperational Video and CFD Analysis are below

The DSI valve technology was the subject of an article in  E&P Magazine, published by Hart Energy.  Additional information regarding the valve can be seen in our Brochure.



     The video demonstrates the use of the DSI INTENSIFIER VALVE™ technology in its disaster mode.  The overall presentation is a replication of the environment and depth of the well leak disaster that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. 


     The well to be closed in this presentation is positioned approximately in five thousand feet (5000 ft) of water and the DSI Intensifier Valve(TM) is lowered to close the well and provide the owner the versatility to re-open the well when desired.


     The presentation is partially a split screen presentation.  The left hand side of the screen presents an animation of the DSI Intensifier Valve(TM) being lowered in the ocean to close the leaking source outlet of this particular well. On the right hand side of the screen is shown simultaneously a cross section view of the DSI INTENSIFIER VALVE™ showing a finite stress analysis of the valve as it is lowered in the ocean.  


     As the valve is lowered and the stresses from the ambient water increase on the housing of the valve, the results of the finite stress analysis are demonstrated on the valve with changing coloration of the valve components as the valve reaches increased depths.


    The finite analysis of the DSI INTENSIFIER VALVE™ particularly shows the chamber sidewall of the valve deflection as the depth of the valve increases.  The color chart provides the amount of deflection which correlates to a particular color.  In the scaling of the valve structure for this demonstration, the wall deflection at five thousand feet (5000 feet) still provided ample clearance for free travel of this particular valve. 


    As you proceed to greater depths of water of ten thousand feet (10,000 feet) to thirty thousand feet (30,000 feet) or more, scaling of the chamber structure will permit the needed clearance.  At shallow depths, employment of accumulators will provide levels of closure pressure for the valve when needed without the ambient pressure alone being sufficientThe valve can be secured to a leak source outlet in various ways which include, but is not limited to, flange connections, mandrels, packers, specialty connectors and welding where depth of water permits.

 (See Video Description Above)

CFD Analysis



    The DSI INTENSIFIER VALVE™ has been analyzed for operating within a 5000 gallon per minute leak flow.  The CFD Analysis, accessible below, demonstrates the valve can be successfully guided to the leak outlet through the 5000 gallon per minute flow.  The unique flow-through capability of the valve allows the valve to be navigable through this flow.  A guide for the CFD Analysis has also been provided below.







































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